■ Grammar -Elementary
[1-5] 보기에 나온 have동사를 골라 내용에 맞게 긍정문 또는 부정문을 만드시오.
[보기] have, has, don’t have, doesn’t have,
1. Turn the music down. I _______ a headache.
2. We _________ time for a coffee - the train leaves in two minutes!
3. Anna and James have a huge house. It ______ six bedrooms and three bathrooms.
4. Amy is very shy. She _______ many friends.
5. Do you ______ my phone number?
♠ 맞은 개수 1-2 : 왕초보로서 노력 요망. ♠ 맞은 개수 3-4 : 기본기를 다질 수 있도록 좀 더 연습필요.
♠ 맞은 개수 5 : 초급자로서 탄탄한 기본기를 가지고 있음.
1. have
2. don’t have
3. has
4. doesn’t have
5. have
제공: E of E 어학원
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