등록날짜 [ 2016-05-09 13:38:10 ]
Pentecost Revival Conference
성령강림절 부흥성회
A: A Pentecost Revival Conference is going to be held from the 9th to the 12th of May in Yonsei Central Baptist Church.
( 5월 9일부터 12일까지 성령강림절 부흥성회가 연세중앙교회에서 열립니다.)
B: Yes, I would like to attend as I desire of the Lord’s blessing.
(주님의 은혜를 사모하기에 참석하고 싶습니다.)
A: Please, bring new comers who signed up to be members of our church on Big Inviting Day.
(총동원주일에 등록한 새신자들도 데리고 오세요.)
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