That is why I have come

등록날짜 [ 2005-08-05 11:04:28 ]

God is merciful. With His mercy God could not be indifferent from those who were needy of His mercy. So He said, "Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy."
From His mercy God gives those diseased, discriminated and troubled His healing: He is the God who heals. (Exodus 15:26, Matthew 10:1)
The misfortune of man is caused by sinning; whereas God's exercise to bring the misfortune of man to an end comes from His love for man.(Psalm 103:1-5) Eventually God sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ so that people would be led out of their weaknesses and diseases but into the blessings of merciful God.(Matthew 8:17)
Look. Jesus Christ is from God to men: He accomplished God's love for men: He completed God's will to save men. Wherever Jesus came, He healed those diseased and sick: He preached the gospel of heavenly land. He is the Lord of all beings both in body and in soul: He is the most joyful news of solution for the trouble of men. Everyone that had heard about Jesus got His grace the instance he met Jesus. The true joyful news of God was Christ Jesus whom people met. And fully surprisingly, for those who live in this age of state-of-the-art technology and science, this gospel of Jesus comes with the same power to resolve their same troubles of deep desperation.
Martha and Maria sisters experienced the gospel of Jesus in the death of their brother Nazareth; the Nain widow also found His powerful gospel of love in her son's death. Against any problem the gospel of Jesus brings the ultimate solution. For anybody captured by trouble of impossibility Jesus' gospel is the joyful news of complete solution.
Therefore we believe in Jesus. What we believe in isn't a founder of a worldly religion. What we believe in isn't an optional religion. We believe in Jesus Christ who is the undoubted and true gospel. By no way in this world except Jesus you can resolve this deep rooted problem of human world. Jesus Christ is essential for you to recover the happy life in the earth.(John 3:16)
By any religion of this world which may attract the services of crowds of people there is no true gospel because it is lack of Jesus Christ. Away from Jesus no may-be-so-called gospel is true but deceiving. Under the lack of true knowledge people fill this world away from the true gospel because some haven't heard of and some misunderstand this gospel. Therefore we are urged to demonstrate the gospel of Jesus, with power, in our life. We have to practice His mercy and absolute power for those in troubles, to help them be freed from them. The gospel extends over the world through those who have experienced Jesus' power from God's mercy and through those who have seen that on site. Let's have the gospel of Jesus go wide without break or obstruction.
This work of gospel saves those perishing away from Jesus. For those who don't know the truth of Jesus, that Jesus was flogged, abused and crucified in order for men to be healed of disease, to be redeemed of sin and to be saved from the death, God also sends the Holy Spirit, selects up pastors, establishes churches and has many people be saved by the gospel to belong to church. These are all intended to bring the news of Jesus out to the world. The Holy Spirit worked among Jesus' disciples and in the early churches to bring this gospel to anywhere people live, to the farthest lands. He has done and does that work of Jesus Christ in those who have belief in Jesus Christ.(John 14:12)
Where there is the work of the Holy Spirit there is the work of Jesus Christ. They are one.
The gospel appears in the Holy Spirit. It comes with the absolute power of God who loves His children, shows miracles and signs and cures their disease. Jesus' gospel goes faster with the news of God's work. The gospel does not end with hearing. The gospel is experienced and possessed by those hear and believe in. The gospel does not come from the modern tactics of this world. The gospel is from God the Father through Jesus Christ.
Jesus built church for His gospel.(Matthew 16:13-20) Church is committed to the gospel work, to carrying to the world the news that Jesus Christ and His work is the God's deliverance.
It is said, "He is the head of the body, the church."(Colossians 1:18) This is for Jesus Christ to do through church the same work as He did. Therefore church does the same work of Jesus Christ together with Him.
Brothers and sisters, each of you is the holy church where the Lord stays in. So let's do the work of Jesus Christ. Let's bring the good news of Jesus Christ. Through church let people meet and know and believe in Jesus Christ. In order to testify that church is the body of Jesus Christ, let's heal disease in Jesus' power. Let's preach and drive out the demons. In the Holy Spirit let's do the work of God the merciful Father through Jesus Christ without limitation.

위 글은 교회신문 <75호> 기사입니다.

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