Parental love and filial piety in the LORD

등록날짜 [ 2004-05-28 14:19:50 ]

God is the Designer and Creator.

Everything in the heaven and on the earth does God design, create and manage.

According to His own Will God made man; He blessed him with His Word full of love for man.

When the first father of human beings was formed he was the biggest delight to God.

God brought into the earth man in order to bless him with the happiest life; to the LORD God it was the greatest glory that His creation would enjoy his life in the happiness with rightful thanks to God; and to the man gladness, freedom and rejoice in Him.

From the man God made from dust the history of family began; he became firstly the father of a family; a new generation was born to the family and another new one after one. Everybody in the world is a father/mother and a son/daughter.

Out of God nobody is born to this world; out of father and mother no son or daughter is born.

Therefore everybody is right to glorify God and to honor his parents. We human beings remember God‘s love and glorify Him; likewise we remember the love of our parents and honor them. This is a moral law not breakable. Disobedience comes from the lack of understanding the heart of his parents; unfaithfulness comes from the lack of understanding God and His Will.

God so wills the well-being of man; He gave man things in the heaven and on the earth. God even gave His One and Only Son so that He became the way of His love through days to the end of the age, or rather endlessly. Only for their children's sake our parents do not spare their pains and sacrificing themselves; their love does not cease until the end of their days on the earth. Who would truly know this love?

Before you experience giving birth to your child and bring him/her up you shall most probably not be able to understand the very heart of your parents. Sometimes someone receives prize for being a good father/mother and someone for being a good son/daughter. How could it be rewarded with a prize to love your children or to serve your parents? We are always sorry that we could have loved our children more than we have really done, that we could have served our parents more than we have really done.

What is the best way of filial piety and parental love then? It is to honor your parents in the LORD and to bring your children up in the training and instruction of the LORD.

The greatest parental love is to keep your children in the close relationship with God and your family in the control of the LORD: To be in one family of God.

Then God shall bless you and your offspring, both spiritually and fleshly, to the generation after generation.

With whatever great love sacrificing yourself for your children or your parents, if you fail to let their soul be saved from sin, they will not be able to avoid the miserable pain of hell after they finish the days on earth.

Therefore the true love and serving is in the faith for the time of soul.

Please pay your attention again to the Word: "Honor your parents and bring your children up in the training and instruction of the LORD."

What a distressing and heartbreaking case it is, if you have to see in the hell your parents and children who have loved you so much with all their life while on earth?

The rich man spoken in Luke chapter16 thought in the hell of his brother who was living yet on earth. Don't forget his misfortune but remember that the most valued kind of loving your family is to let them avoid being fallen down to the hell.

Israelites always sought God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For them this faith was the biggest heritage of love from fathers to sons.

Because the spiritual love cannot be seeable or touchable, the world tries to understand its value with the scale of their worldly knowledge on the religion; and many father and sons acknowledge 'the spiritual love between themselves' as a feeling just in a worldly religious manner. What a troubling and lamentable thought it is to the LORD!

The Word says: "Honor your father and mother that you may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." (Ephesians6:2,3)

Do you really want the Word be yours? Then you shall obey and honor 'in the LORD' your parents, love 'in the LORD' your children.

This is the commandment of God not changeable, shall-be-performed and guarantied eternally to us. The true love for your family is to do your best for the time of your and their soul. This is the very interest of God; this is the true love of God; this is the best morality of a family; this is the greatest heritage of your family and the holy wealth for generation after generation.

My beloved members in church, let's make in the LORD the best filial piety as well as the greatest parental love so that our homes be blessed with eternal life to be given to our father/mother and us and our son/daughters and the generations following. In Jesus Christ serve your parents and bring your children up and love them.

위 글은 교회신문 <60호> 기사입니다.

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