Have God be Your Supporter

등록날짜 [ 2006-05-22 10:07:50 ]

Genesis 32:13-32

God is 1)almighty. In His almightiness God has power and blessing for man; and 2)eager to find those who 3)have faith worth of His blessing.
Therefore whoever has faith will see God work to bring that blessing to him. So believe and be given the 4) ‘right of bless’.

The blessing man wants and needs overflows in God but not in anything; therefore wherever and once He work you will find in your life His blessings.
God is wealthier than anybody you might find in this world; God is greater than any power you might find on the earth; God is higher than any authority you might find in the world. So everything is obedient to His will.

God 5)outgoes all human civilization and knowledge and highest rulers on earth. God had got plenty of bread in the dry field; had got in depths of hard rock abundance of water; in order to give to His people on the most proper spot where they were eager for His blessing. God allowed for His people 6)a broad road to be unsealed under the depths of water (Exodus 14:21-22); and through thick walls nobody dares to open flat for His people go pass.

7)God is omnipotent and omniscient; nothing is impossible with Him.
Jacob was the one who met this God and had His blessing come into his life. He bought the 8)birthright for a pottage of 9)lentil stew from his elder brother Esau who failed to respect his birthright; and he pretended to be Esau to make his aged father Isaac bless him and escaped away from his brother’s wrath. After years with big wealth and a large family through hard labor in his uncle’s he was on his way for homeland but had to hear his brother and four hundred armed men were waiting against him.

To find any way of soothing his brother’s wrath he tried 10)every measure available. Jacob divided flocks and herds and camels that belonged to him to send across the river as gift for Esau but just to fail to calm down his fierce waves of rage. He sent in order his two wives and his two maidservants and eleven sons with all possessions still just to find nothing work to turn his heart for him. Finally he gave up 11)all treatments of his idea and began to pray before God.
He kept praying till the daybreak wrestling with an angel who 12)hit the socket of his hip wrenched but he held him up till he blessed and gave him a new name Israel, which meant he had struggled with God and with men and had overcome, that is, he got an agreement from God. He did not give up praying to God till he gained His help.
“Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God.”(Psalm 146:5)
See Jacob find the work of God 13)in the worst circumstance of on-the-eve-of-death. Do you have impossibility? 14)God seeks after you with a problem of non-solution. Put down on the almighty God your impossibility. God desires to find 15)a man like Jacob who sticks to Him. He won’t hide himself away where you cannot reach: 16)God rests in your place where you need him to be.

When put in dilemma between fierce waves of Red Sea and thundering hoofs from Egyptian horses Israelites found God who was there with them. When confronted by the water of Jordan, by strong walls of Jericho and Ai God was with His people 17)to help them on the spot. When 18)on the stake of life-or-death by his brother Esau’s sword of fierce wrath God was with Jacob who sought after Him for saving his life. God is ready to be there where you are at stake, for which you confess to Him no measure of your own. Before complaining or grumbling against God with doubts on His being, you must understand His Divine Providence, His tender work to help you.
Are you in an emergency? Have you got an urgent problem?
Then give up all the19)measures from your bodily heart. But remember God is with you to help you. Don’t let Him shunned; don’t let Him neglected. The more you make Him shunned and neglected, the farther you have gone away from Him.
Just for those who admit, trust and seek after Him, God is here. With your pains and problems please be an ardent seeker for God.
Then with 21)His abundance of power He becomes an opportunity for you who search for it. With your faith go for Him but stop crying just over your pains. Your troubles and pains 22)are the best chance for you to let Him work for you and to use His almighty power for you. Don’t give up whatever your problem is; because disappointment is unfaithfulness and failure.

Take a straight look at a Jacob who might have given up; he must have been slain by Esau’s sword. Be awoken to be ready to make the most of that opportunity God is intended to reach His hand to you. In the history of the bible how many people have failed to get the opportunity of God’s blessing, simply repenting later in vain? The Godly opportunity is for those who seek, cry out but do not give up for His help.

Don’t be afraid of your problems; don’t give up until you see God’s involvement into your life like Jacob’s. Make your faithful prayer your absolute treatment against your enemies until you make them kneel down before you. Just make yourself love and eagerly desire for merciful God. In order to make you freed from diseases, cursedness and evil spirits God is here now.

God helps you to defeat disease the modern medical science has given up. Whoever believes that God is the only power to solve his impossibility and makes God’s work his final and unique measure will find himself overcome and be freed from any kind of problems.

My dear brothers and sisters, have you got any impossibility? Then take a look at Jacob who got an agreement from God against his death; and have God, who is here to support you, the sincere seekers of Godly help, agree to answer you. With help from God be freed from sickness; be freed from sufferings, be freed from poverty, be freed from pains; and be free from the work of the wicked devil.
Blessed are those who make God support them!

1) almighty: 전능한

2) be eager to find: 간절히 찾습니다.

3) have faith worth of His blessing: 그(하나님)의 축복을 받을만한 믿음을 가지고 있습니다.

4) ‘right of bless’: ‘축복의 권리’

5) outgo human civilization: 인간의 문명을 능가합니다.

6) allow a broad road to be unsealed: 대로가 열리도록 허락하십니다.

7) God is omnipotent and omniscient; nothing is impossible with Him: 하나님은 전지 전능하셔서 그에게는 불가능이 없으십니다.

8) birthright: 장자권

9) lentil stew: 팥죽

10) every measure available: 가능한 모든 수단

11) all treatment from his mind: 자신의 생각에서 나온 (인간적) 모든 수단

12) hit the socket of Jacob’s hip wrenched: 야곱의 환도뼈를 쳐서 위골 되었습니다.

13) in the worst circumstance of on-the-eve-of-death: 죽음 직전의 최악의 상황에서

14) God seeks after you with a problem of non-solution: 하나님께서는 해답이 없는 문제(불가능)을 가진 자(당신)을 찾습니다.

15) a man like Jacob who sticks to Him: 그에게 집착하는 야곱 같은 사람(야곱처럼 하나님께 철저히 접근하는 자)

16) God rests in your place where you need him to be: 하나님은 당신이 찾는 바로 그 자리에 계십니다.

17) to help on the spot: 현장에서 도우시려고

18) on the stake of life-or-death: 생사의 위경에서

19) measures from your bodily heart: 육적인 생각에서 나온( 인간적) 수단들

20) nothing of his own: 그 자신의 어떤 것(수단)도

21) With His abundance of power: 그 분의 풍성한 능력으로

22) be the best chance for you to let Him work: 하나님께서 일하시게 할 절호의 기회입니다.

위 글은 교회신문 <86호> 기사입니다.

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