[영어] The Year Activities of Yonsei Central Baptist Church in Pictures

등록날짜 [ 2019-09-04 15:36:35 ]

Jerusalem chapel in Yonsei Central Baptist Church. The main sanctuary in Gungdong, which was completed in April 2005, the building has a round five-story building excluding one basement levels. Jerusalem chapel is from 2nd to 5th floor.

Education for the Newcomers for 4 weeks

Bible College for Laypeople in Spring and Autumn Semester

Monetizing Contents - musical theatre writing and biblical drama

Everyday Evening Prayer Meeting with the Overflowing Answer

Customized Evangelism which makes the neighbors open up their hearts

Social Welfare Team, Serving the underprivileged people with love

Choir, Orchestra, Praising and giving thanks with joy for the salvation

Small Group Praising Team, Praising the Lord with beautiful sounds

25th Parish, Nurturing North Korean defector missionary

One-Heart Festival with the Neighbors in Spring and Autumn

Increased creativity and faith of the Sunday School, Young Children and Elementary School students

Teaching middle and high school students to do their best in studying and faith life

Young adults, abundant young adults group, University students group, Newcomers group- 4 young adults group

Vision Education Center, Library and high-tech environment for study

E of E Mission Center, Academy, Language Institute, Nurturing Global Leaders

Daegot Mission Center, Free Korean Classes for Foreigners 

Foreign Mission Board, Fulfilling the Mission to the World as a Parish

Domestic Mission Department, Preaching to the military and the prisoners

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