Jesus Christ is the life

등록날짜 [ 2004-10-26 15:05:11 ]

God is alive. His living proves that God Himself is the life.
Therefore life does not end or be limited: Life is eternal.
Everything on earth is limited and ends. But life from Jesus Christ goes forever over the death.
What He undertook the cursed cross for was really to give life to mankind; and what we shall be given in the faith is that we are shifted from death to life; and that even the dead shall resurrect.(John 11:25-26)
Because Jesus Christ is life, His words give life(John 14:6); His work gives life; His power gives life; He always gives life.
Life from Jesus Christ is not ideological or metaphysical; but is truth real to us through His death and resurrection. Through His blood of the cross we are given His grace to forgive our sins; and through His resurrection we are given the eternal life.
Therefore His life on earth was just intended to give Himself to us so that we might live eternally.
And remember, life is independent on ages and cultures of the world. Even things change in ages or cultures or civilizations but life in Jesus Christ does not change.
As long as His life is unchanged, in Him our faith and our life is also unchanged.(Hebrew 13:8)
With God there is no variation, no shifting shadows.(James 1:17)
Remember that His life of resurrection is promised to all humans, to everyone that believes in Him. And His promise never fails for those who are faithful.( 1 Corinthian 15:12-19)
In the Holy Spirit life of Jesus Christ works in us: We are blessed by the Holy Spirit who brought into us life of Jesus Christ.(John 16:13)
It is written, "He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life."(1John 5:12)
We see branches of a tree sprout in the spring and likewise we see life of Jesus Christ appears in those who have His life.
His life is abundant in body and spirit for those who believe in Him; His life frees us from diseases, curse and the death.
When we are out of His life we are captured by those evil things.(Luke 13:10, Matthew 12:22)
But in the abundance with life of Jesus Christ we prosper in spirit, go well in all respects and live in good health.( 3John 1-2)
Let yourself be given with life of Jesus Christ and then you shall see His life work in you like branches sprouting in the spring.
Humans who had ever lived in this world were all perishable because of lack of life. But Jesus Christ came among us to declare, "I am the way, the truth and the life." Truly by Him humans are blessed with the life like branches in the spring.
Like Aaron's staff that sprouted and budded, humans, the barren and the deserted, began to recover life in spirit and in body.
Our faith is not a philosophy but truth.( Colossians 2:8)
Life Jesus Christ gives us is not symbolic but real.
Life is not a mere ideology but the power that is alive and works.( 2 Corinthian 3-6)
This power of eternal life shall we have in our souls, dry and barren, like Aaron's seasoned staff, which sprouted in the words of God. This miracle and sign does Jesus want today to appear in us in the Holy Spirit.

위 글은 교회신문 <65호> 기사입니다.

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