Faith to destroy the power of death

등록날짜 [ 2005-03-05 18:02:54 ]

God is the source of life. God is eternal, so in Him everyone lives forever.
In body man breathes but in spirit nobody can live forever.
God formed man and gave into his nostril His spirit. He forbid man to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Man disobeyed God's commandment to become depraved of the life irrevocably by any way of him. (Genesis 2:16-17, Genesis 3:17-19)
The devil deceived man into disobedience, sinning which caused him to be captured by the death. The devil is the enemy of both man and God. (Genesis 3:4-6)
God never changes His word. He does what He says. He said, " You shall die when you eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. " Man disobeyed His word and became a being unavoidable of death eternally.
In accordance with the word of God man, deceived by the devil to sin, became destined to death (Rome5: 12-13).
Man was expelled from the land of grace, cursed in body and spirit. Sufferings and troubles came into the life of man and transferred from generation to generation.
The devil became dominant over man; he captured man under sins; he brought disease and troubles to man; he does every kind of wicked things in man to induce him to the eternal ruin. The devil became the enemy of man. Sinning and death is the wicked work of the devil (1 John 3:7-12, Hebrew 2:14). And nobody is able to get out of that pit dug by the devil.
Any scientific or other achievement of human civilization can be no solution to the problem of sin and death.
Only God knows from beginning this wicked work of the devil.
God decided to open the way of delivering men from perishing, for which men had to be freed from the law of sin and death. So God gave men the new law of life, Jesus Christ, who became the rightful law to save men from the un-rightful law of sin and death. (Matthew1: 18-21)
He was born in Bethlehem, became a real man, as the prophet foretold, and lived in Nazareth for thirty years preparing for His work. He was baptized in Jordan and began to pronounce the salvation of mankind.
He revived the dead, cured the lepers, made the blind see, let the deaf listen and made the crippled walk on his feet. As the Son of God He showed miracles and signs to testify the good news of the kingdom.
But Jews were furious against Jesus because they could not accept that He was the Son of God. They questioned Jesus of whether He was the Son of God and accused Him of blasphemy. (Matthew 26:62-68)
Through the misunderstanding of the Jews who put Jesus to the sufferings God carried out with no negligence His plan to deliver mankind. (Isaiah 53:5-6) Jesus overtook on His body our illness, our curse; He was pierced, crushed, wounded and crucified to death for us.
Just guilty of nothing Jesus suffered without any resistance all the troubles just for mankind. Really He had no reason to be flogged, cursed to death; He wasn't guilty.
Knowing that He took up our own troubles from sins, we believe that we are freed from all those evil things of disease, curse and death. (Rome 8:2)
Through Jews the devil that held the power of death worked to put Jesus to the sufferings and death.
They were used as instruments of wickedness by the devil to break the law. (Rome 6:12-14)
But the Son of God arose on the third day. This had never been and would never be. The wages of sin is death but without sin Jesus overcame the death. He took up our sins and died for us; He was raised because He wasn't guilty. The instance He rose again the devil that brought death to Jesus Christ, guilty of nothing, was proved to be unlawful, unavoidable of the eternal punishment for committing murder of the righteous Son of God.
Jesus became flesh to share with us in our humanity so that by His death He might destroy the devil that holds the power of death, buy us at a righteous price for the sins, diseases and curses.
Jesus brought us God's rightful grace of delivering mankind.
Therefore we are freed in our faith from sins, curses and diseases.
We have faith in the name of Jesus who defeated the death.
We have faith in Jesus' name to destroy the work of the devil that deceived man to sin from the beginning, put him to death and that even put the righteous Son of God to death. What we believe in s Jesus and His name that destroyed the death of the devil; we are given in His name the power to defeat the power of the devil.
In the earth we have power to overcome the sin, disease, death and the devil; and in the kingdom of heaven we are blessed with eternal life in spiritual body under the grace of the LORD. (Rome 8:1-2)

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