Owing to the Resurrection of the Lord

등록날짜 [ 2006-04-03 11:59:08 ]

God is the Creator. 1) He had every life He created experience life and death.
2) Therefore as the weather becomes warm plants get up from their long sleep of winter season, from which God teaches, through lives of earthly creations, us the truth of resurrection: seeds fall on the ground and die but come up to grow to the new seeds.
Animals on the ground and fishes in the water are also born, live, give new births and die ; but later their babies or eggs live the same lives of their parent animals or fishes, from which we also learn God's will to teach mankind the resurrection.
Our experience to give birth to our children from generation to generation might mean in the spiritual sense the resurrection; a body disappears but another new body comes up to live.
Like this every being ends life as a one-time-being but its life is kept by its offsprings, which tells us that God reveals, through the life of every kind of creation and of human himself, 3) the continuously developing existence of mankind as a spiritual being.
Mankind was originally in Adam who was made by God. When he sinned to die of his sinning, mankind -which was in him- 4) became a worst hopeless being destined to death as the sinner Adam was. (Colossian 5:12)
Therefore God gave mankind the law so that He would reveal through prophets that man was destined to die of sinning; but God also gave mankind the gospel so that God would save mankind from the death through Jesus Christ, the eternal life-saving gospel.
When a farmer plants seeds he never intends to let them simply die off under the ground but 5) wants to let them bear new lives in themselves to get more seeds. The law and sacrifice from the old covenant were for what God taught mankind, the inevitable death of mankind and His plan to save him.
But in heavens or on earth is there no countermeasure against human death; but God had His own one plan to go against the death of both spirit and body of human life, which was actually Jesus Christ(John 3:16). 6) He came to the earth to intentionally undertake on His own body all the sins that caused death and bled to die for it.
The moment He died mankind was freed from sins and death and the hell; from all destructive sickness and cursedness and ruin (Rome 8:1-2).
The moment He rose up from the dead mankind became one with Him. Then what can ever judge us to death? (Rome 8:31-39) Jesus taught people this resurrection already (John 11:25-26): His death and resurrection was intended for human death and their resurrection in Jesus (Matthew 16:21, Rome 8:17-21).
He told that He would bleed to die on the cross and rise up; and He did so. 7) In the presence of His disciples He ascended into heaven and sat down on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty of heaven.
The Spirit who raised Jesus Christ from the dead also gave us life in His Spirit (Rome 8:11). Christians are those who experienced the grace of Jesus' resurrection and who witness His resurrection (Acts 3:15).
Christians are those who shall join the first resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:23). Because the Holy Spirit raised Jesus Christ who received the Spirit we are witnesses of His resurrection; in accordance with the lead of the Spirit.
8) Without resurrection nobody that says his belief in Jesus has life; without belief in the resurrection nobody that says his belief in Jesus hasn't got the life of Jesus Christ; and he cannot escape from the perishing hell.
9) In the Spirit be witnessed of the belief of resurrection; in the Spirit witness the belief of resurrection; and be a witness of Jesus' resurrection.
10) For us believers Jesus' resurrection is, we believe, our possession, so that He gives us freedom and deliverance from the eternally cursed sins and death and punishment of hell.
Let's thank for Jesus' resurrection. Let's praise Him and pay the highest glory to the Lord who raises His people.

1) have A experience life and death: A가 생과 사를 경험케 하십니다

2) A, from which God teaches us B -: 하나님께서는 A(라는 사실)을 통해 우리에게 B를 가르치십니다

3) the continuously developing existence of mankind as a spiritual being: 영적 존재인 인류의 계속되는 전개

4) became a worst hopeless being destined to death as the sinner Adam was: 죄인인 아담과 함께(처럼) 사망의 운명을 진(을 피할 수 없는) 최악의 절망적인 존재가 되었습니다

5) (A farmer) wants to let them(seeds) bear new lives in themselves(seeds) to get more seeds: 농부는 씨앗이 그 자신 안에 있는 새로운 생명을 잉태하여 더욱 많은 열매를 맺기를 원합니다.

6) He came to the earth to intentionally undertake on His own body all the sins that caused death and bled to die for it: 그는(예수님은) 이 땅에 오셔서 고의적으로 인간의 사망의 원인인 죄를 자신의 몸에 짊어 지시고 피흘려 죽으셨습니다.

7) In the presence of His disciples: 제자들이 보는 앞에서

8) Without resurrection nobody that says his belief in Jesus has life: 예수를 믿는다 할지라도 부활이 없이는 아무도 생명을 소유치 못합니다(누구든지 부활이 없는 믿음은 죽은 믿음이요)

9) In the Spirit be witnessed of the belief of resurrection; in the Spirit witness the belief of resurrection; and be a witness of Jesus’ resurrection: 성령안에서 부활의 믿음을 증거 받고 성령안에서 부활의 믿음을 증거하여 예수그리스도의 부활의 증인이 되십시오.

10) For us believers Jesus resurrection is, we believe, our possession: 예수 그리스도의 부활은 믿는 우리가 소유하는 믿음입니다.

위 글은 교회신문 <84호> 기사입니다.

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