For the time of your soul

등록날짜 [ 2004-03-29 16:30:19 ]

God granted freely man with what belongs to Him, with what man lives with, by and in.

His blessing lies in everything man takes, sees and enjoys; it lies in body. Whoever on the earth can take this kind of blessing freely. (Genesis 1:27-29) And it is essential for man as long as he is in flesh; it is absolutely required by humans for living because without it no man can keep his life in body.

For the soul of man God also gave freely man His blessing, that is, Jesus Christ. Our bodily life shall be kept by working, toiling and sweating; and our spirit shall live by the belief in Jesus Christ. (John 3:16)

We shall listen to the Word of God; we shall be obedient to God; we shall be cared by and be grown in the Holy Spirit. This is what the blessing of God is. God blesses us first with our belief in Jesus Christ our Savior, with our obedience to His Word, with being led by the Holy Spirit to the heavenly kingdom and with eternal life there.

Man has instinct both in body and in spirit: He wants to live a life in body and to live a spiritual life, a desire for eternal life.

The desire for life is an instinct of man; so he casts all his own being to live. His being on the earth however is allowed by God and can never transcend this limitation; no body will escape from the words, "The lengths of our days is seventy years or eighty, and for dust you are to dust you will return." (Psalm 90:7-10, Gen.3: 19)

We are made as spiritual being. Not knowing this, humans struggle to make their bodily life well and to pile up the worldly wealth; but they are to leave all at last.

As if they would live thousands of years people love to build up riches; they even like to deceive, allure, use falsely the power or means available for them.

Some people in poverty envy those who have earthly riches. However nobody shall resist God's commandment to leave the world. (Luke 12:20)
The body cannot possess riches eternally. Things as well as our own body are like wind and cloud; nobody knows where wind and cloud goes for. They disappear like snow in spring and like wind under the sun.

Solomon with so great riches told, " Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless." (Ecclesiastes 1:2-4)
The mind dependent on body and riches ends in vain.
Therefore we must acknowledge that God gave us everything on earth so that we might prepare for the time of our soul while we are in body; we must take this splendid opportunity given to us only one time ever. (Luke 16:19-31)
From His own will to humans God sent His Word that was completed by His own son Jesus Christ in order to bless humans and sent the Holy Spirit who protects, gives faith and leads people to the eternal life. God is the very source of the eternal blessing.

Not knowing what the source of true blessing is, people seek after the blessing that is taken with hands, is seen with eyes and is stored up in their house and just waste their years.
They put aside the matter of their own soul. What stupidness! (Luke 12:19-21) Brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, be aware that the true wealth is from God.

Do love your soul; do live in the Word of God and in the Holy Spirit. While in the world we shall work for the wealth of the time of our soul.
Before we end our life let's use our life for what is greater than the life: the glory of the LORD God and the wealth in the time of soul. Let's preach and love in Jesus Christ.

Let's be diligent for the task given to us. Let's be the receiver of the eternal life and the crown of glory in the heavenly kingdom.
Store up for the time of soul your hard labor and treasures in heaven; let them be of your own. (Matthew 6:20-21)
Be rich toward God not toward the world. Lazarus and the rich testifies the end of each of their life respectively on the earth. We cannot avoid the day of misery like the rich even though we pile up so large amount of money, enjoy luxurious life and have hundred children. Body comes and disappears; the spirit is permanent. When what is to perish turns into what is eternal-the holy body raised from the dead, - what you have stored up with your treasures, work, faithfulness, preaching and prayers will be payed back with high interests in heaven: it will be of all your own. (Matthew 6:19-20)
Saints in the church, keep your spiritual fervor to serve the LORD so that you will make the most holy wealth in the time of your soul.
Be diligent but not lazy in serving the LORD.
Don't be slavery to the perishable body. In the Holy Spirit make your body the spiritual slavery to the LORD God.

위 글은 교회신문 <58호> 기사입니다.

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