If You Remain in Me and My Words Remain in You

등록날짜 [ 2005-11-09 11:27:22 ]

God is rich forever.
His richness is not prohibited from but ready to be given out to those who desire for it. Because He is rich He is in need of nothing except one thing.
The one thing God desires for is that He wants those who would seek for His richness. Therefore He is seeking after those who shall be given of the wealth from Him.
Think about parents of this world. They are not in want of nothing from their children but still they love them trying to give precious thing to them. Because they know their children can do nothing away from them they cannot keep their concern away from their sons and daughters.
God also knows that man is helpless but unable to live by himself away from Him and His love. Therefore He could not help giving even His only begotten son in His chest out to this world. God is like a tree and man a branch belonging to it: He wants to and desires to and does give man His resource without hesitation like a tree to its branch. Furthermore He has personality in which He wants to see what proves His love matured in those who are loved by Him. As a farmer awaits fruit from the trees God the Father longs for fruits of thanks-giving, glorifying and royalty from humans.
Parents expect and desire for what proves their love and endeavors for their children. But this is not for their possession but just for the well being of their children. God‘s expectation and desire is also as much on His beloved man as a father's on his child. He wants people to bear fruit of His love, fruit of His holy work for them, fruit of happy life in His grace.
Jesus said, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing"(John15:5, Matthew7:19)
This is true. Apart from God nobody can do something or can live; because body should live as a creature of God, spirit should live in His word and in His son Jesus Christ who became body for humans; and because in the future there comes a world of darkness where nobody can move forward a step without the guide of the Holy Spirit.
To live a faithful life is to be with the Lord, not apart from Him and have the perfect life from Him (Matthew 26:40, 41). This is to put you in the Lord, to live on his word of life from His mouth. To live a faithful life is to make you remembered by the Lord and keep yourself in His memory forever (John 15:7). Whoever you are, if you are not out of His memory you are already deserted out from Him (Matthew 7:21-27, 2Corinthian13:5). If you are successful in being in the memory of the almighty God, you are the one blessed by Him (John11:11-12). If you are loved by the almighty God, you are in His concern, you are leading a life remembered by Him (Acts10:4).
Your acts of thanks giving, serving, sacrificing and worshiping show that you know God, are loved by Him so that you are the one remaining in His memory (John4:23-24). Because you are remembered belonging to Him, you are also able to make it known to Him when you are in jeopardy (Matthew8:25). God really remembers your honesty, truthfulness and holy deeds (Revelation6:9-11, Revelation20:4); but not lie, hypocrisy, dirty deeds (Revelation21:8) If you want to live to the end, be remembered by God through living a life like Jesus Christ did, like His disciples did. Dispose all from the devil: Hypocrisy, intrigue and lie which are all from the devil. Be careful not to be ones who perished, like Judas Iscariot, Cain, Ananias and Sapphira. But dispose yourself who are hypocritical and lying but turn to God who is true and faithful.
If you belong to God, make yourself remembered by Him, you are living in Him with honesty, truth and love. Discern and understand this truth or you will perish, be cut down and thrown into the fire. Remember the time of your soul to come in the end of your life and be honest, holy, thanks-giving, serving each other in Jesus Christ: Be the man who shows what Jesus Christ did. Be the man of Jesus Christ. Now remember that if you remain in Jesus Christ, you are glorifying the farmer with plenty of fruits but off from Him you die and are thrown into the fire of endless destruction.
Do you know His love? Are you in His word? Do you live a life of praying in the Holy Spirit? Then you are in Jesus Christ who is the source of eternally true life. You've got the eternal life in Him!

위 글은 교회신문 <78호> 기사입니다.

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