Pastors’ Couples Come to Hindolsan Retreat Center From About 50 Countries Around the World

등록날짜 [ 2019-03-02 11:57:12 ]

The 59th pastors couples spiritual seminar will be held at Suwon Hindolsan Retreat Center of Yonsei Central Baptist Church From February 25th (Mon.) to 28th (Thu.). Pastors from about 50 countries across the world will gather to listen to the word of God which will be preached by the moving of the Holy Spirit by Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon. A quarter of the world’s 242 countries are represented at the seminar.

▲From Africa: pastors from 24 of the 55 countries are going to attend the pastors’ seminar. ▲From North and South America: the United States, Mexico, Haiti, Colombia and Ecuador - 5 countries ▲From Asia: Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Cambodia, India, Myanmar, Vietnam, Nepal, Bangladesh, Mongolia, Laos, Tajikistan, Pakistan and Z country - 14 countries. ▲ From Europe: countries such as Britain, France, Russia, Poland and Denmark are going to participate in the seminar. In addition, we expect pastors to attend from more than 50 countries, including pastors who participate individually from New Zealand, Fiji and many other countries.

Representatives from 2 of Africa’s 24 countries will participate in the pastors' seminar for the first time. Pastors from Mali, Chad will participate in the seminar for the first time. The reasons for the increase in the number of participating African nations is that in the last 3 to 4 years, Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon has been invited to Togo (3 times), eSwatini (2 times), South Africa, Cote d'Ivoire and Sierra Leone (1 time). And the pastors have had their sins pointed out according to the Bible; they have noted several times that they have repented of their sins before the blood of Jesus. And they evangelize and pray with passion for winning souls. So they have experienced explosive revival and spiritual changing.

46 pastors are going to come from <America> to attend the pastors’ seminar this time. Korean-American pastors are regular guests at the pastors' seminar. They often hold conferences in America inviting Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon. After 50 pastors crossed the Pacific Ocean in 2009 and participated in the pastors’ seminar in Hindolsan Retreat Center, they have continually attended the seminar. This is the 11th time. <Mexico> Pastors have been participating in the pastors’ seminar for 5 consecutive years since 2017. <India> Pastors have also received grace for more than 10 years since 2009 in Hindolsan Retreat Center in Suwon city. After the pastors who had received God’s grace returned to their countries, they invited Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon for a conference at which he preached to a great many people.

According to the survey of 365 international pastors who participated in the 58th  Seminar for Pastor couples in Hindolsan Retreat Center held in August last year, we can know that ‘pastors prayer time increased (77%)’, ‘they gave up Human-centered pastoral ministry and started to do God-centered pastoral ministry (42%)’ and ‘they’re doing pastoral ministry powerfully (37%)’. We can see that there was a clear change in their pastoral ministry.

International pastors who attended the pastors’ seminar and received a lot of God’s grace returned to their home countries and prayed for several hours a day, so when they preach, the power accompanied them and the church members prayed, too. They gave testimony that their churches are reviving explosively. All this was done by the Lord. I give glory to the Lord who will use Yonsei Central Baptist Church for world mission. 

위 글은 교회신문 <613호> 기사입니다.

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