New Year Revival Meeting was held from Jan 31 through Feb. 1 2003 at Soo-Weon Heendolsan Prayer Center, which was shorter than preceding years but as heated as ever for our foreign brothers who had been so exhausted by the homesick after living far away from their own homes. In the gathering all the brothers who attended got a beautiful memory with the Lord Jesus that would never forgotten in their lives. Many of them accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and experienced the work of the Holy Spirit, receiving Spiritual gifts and finding themselves renewed by the words of God operating in their mind.
The foreign workers missionary of Overseas Missionary Section of Yonsei Central Baptist Church(OMS) which has continuously grown since five years ago when a Sr Lanka youth named Wikama registered, becoming the firstborn of the gospel as a foreigner in the church: now about 100 workers from overseas countries have registered and a few members among them have come to be dispatched until today.
How could that growth, both in quantity and quality sides, have been possible? One of the answers is 'by the amazing life giving words spoken in the special meetings like New year revival meeting.
Foreigners who had not been able to understand Korean language accepted, just at their first attending, Jesus Christ as their Savior with heart breaking repentances and spiritual awakening, founding themselves filled with the Holy Spirit and saying the other tongues. Owing to the great grace of the Lord, the growing number of foreign members are coming to this land. And our members in OMS know well that it offers big chances of making and dispatching local native missionaries to many countries. This is why those from Asian countries are, though small in numbers yet, under a special care belonged to a same group; the major religion of their countries are Moslem or Hinduism or Buddhism, making it hard to plant the gospel on the region.
And fixing them in the church isn't a easy going matter, either. Though at first they may attend the worship with some kind of curiosity in mind, but as some time passes most of them are not found because they usually fail to abandon their native religions. It would be almost impossible to share just the same sympathy with those who could little thing but look behind the brothers exhausted, with their faces put down on the settee, after a long time of struggling to understand the words from the priest in spite of troubles with the language.
Despite many difficulties until now, three faithful members among the foreign brothers are under the train course for the native local missionary owing to the great grace of God.
Wikama from Sriranka, the firstborn of gospel in the foreign workers missionary, is rapidly growing in faith. He is always eager to attend the worship finding himself changed every time he hear the preach. He really loves the worship. He has very often had to work all the Saturday night even until the next morning. Nevertheless he has been trying to come a long way to attend the worship on the Lord's day despite being so fatigued; we can see him until late attending the second evening worship. His sincere attitude toward the worship challenges many other members having too easy an religious life.
Danial from Pakistan whose parents are also Christians came to Korea to earn money and became our brother in the church. After experiencing the gifts of the Holy Spirit, he pledged God to go on a way of the Lord. Everyday after work he comes to the church to prepare himself studying bible and praying until 2 A. M..
Nick was a Hindu from Nepal. In March 2002 he came for the first time to the church and accepted Jesus. In the beginning he was not free from Hinduism but afterwards he changed to absorb the words of gospel preached like a sponge absorbing water. He has grown in faith so much as to become eager for evangelism with his mind full of love for human soul and spirits. On Feb. 19 he was assigned to the native missionary to his home country. He has visions to build schools, churches in his home land as well as to preach the gospel to his fellows there.
Though it might look quite poor but the great and amazing work of God is really expected afterwards which would be done through the three men. From now, in the age of Goongdong, the missionary work at home and abroad would be highly accelerated. In our march of preaching the gospel toward all nations, the brothers from foreign countries would undoubtedly be at the center of it. It has always been emphasized by pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon that more and more intensive way of missionary work- focused on upbringing spiritual and capable christian leader among foreign brothers and on co-working with them on the spot- should be taken because a native missionary can do more than a group of non-native missionary. In fact our members in OMS who are engaged and actively serving in foreign workers missionary are feeling acutely that this concept by pastor Yoon is really a future oriented and advisable one.
They are preparing and praying for the more effective way of missionary work in the target nations. From 2004, if possible, they plan the short term missionary works in which they will help and sponsor those native missionaries to build churches and strike a fire of evangelism in all the arid lands. Those are brothers among us in Yonsei Central Baptist Church who are born again and has been grown up by the gospel. We can not figure out how much difficulty awaits them on their way to do the Lord's mission in their home lands-the spiritual deserts. We will never fail to see our vision come true in the future: a small flame of evangelism to cover all nations.
“And though a tenth remains in the land, it will again be laid waste. But as the terebinth and oak leave stumps when they are cut down, so the holy seed will be the stump in the land."(Isaiah 6:13)