등록날짜 [ 2005-02-04 16:34:36 ]

God is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.
God is the Only God and the Creator of everything. (John 5:44)
God does not lie but is truthful eternally.
He created, fed and loved us. Really we received His great mercy.
When we sinned and were captured by the power of death, He laid down even His One and Only Son on our behalf, let Him bleed, die for us to be delivered from the death.
God's love for men was carried out in a terrified and harsh way so that we might be saved from that severe and fearful destruction.
We know what the crucifixion is. We know that we are not worthy to bear the love of all mighty God, who creates, operates everything in heavens and on the earth and who took on His own body the death of His creation under the power of death even casting His own Son into that destruction.
But we know that we are worthy to simply be humble before and thank and worship Him.
We know we have been living in His merciful grace and shall live by His love. Even after this life on earth we know we shall live in the land of Heavenly Kingdom in His everlasting love. God does not change His love for humans.
But ask yourself. What is all this idolatry for other than the rightful thanks giving and worship of God?

Could we find this kind of evil doings among beasts?
But even if we or an angel from heaven should do evil thing against God, He shall be eternally condemned. (Galatians 1:8, Revelations 21:8, 2 Chronicles 24:18)
What is the corruption of man? It is just blind worshiping of the evil spirits or things on earth not knowing God and His truthful grace.
Adam heard what the evil one said, agreed to and did it. And he perished. (Genesis3L1-17)
God commanded: "You shall have no other gods before me."
His commandment was that we mustn't commit idolatry.
"I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments."(Exodus 20:3-6)
In festival days millions of people go to perform religious service to their ancestors justifying their deed by ' the good respect to forefathers'. However this is nothing but what God who is the master of and blesses every creature hates more than any evil deeds of human beings. Remember He told He was a jealous God. (Deuteronomy 5:9)
See these cursed things. My whole nation does this fearful sin in every occasion without exception! And could they hope to be blessed?
In their history the Israelites could not avoid being cursed whenever they committed idolatry. They had to be enslaved to Babylon and other countries. The idolatry causes the nation to be destroyed, the homes scattered, and individuals destroyed.
Remember: "The sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons."(1 Corinthians 10:19-20) People think they are paying proper respect to their ancestors but spiritually it is worshiping the demons.
What is and does the demon? (Matthew12: 22, Luke 13:10-13, 1 Timothy 4:1-2) In Mark chapter 9, we can see the demon run the soul of a child. of a man in the region of Gerasenes making the whole place disturbed.
How could all these evil beings be worshiped? This cursed ignorance is at its extreme extent.
My beloved fellow brothers and sisters, we are the ones captured by the love of God. We are the ones who know what the idolatry is.
We know God's promise to bless those who love Him and keep His commandment to a thousand generations. We know the punishment for those who hate and sin to the third or fourth generations.

The Lord drove out the wicked and disgusting devil that deceives people to worship him under the mask of the ancestors.
Now we must dispose the idolatry. We have to serve God so that the nation and the homes might be delivered from the destruction.
God said idolaters should die, should fall.
But we depart from that cursed idolatry but serve the LORD God, are blessed to a thousand generation. (Deuteronomy 8:19-20, 30:17-18, Revelations 21:8) Let's make the nation live; let's our homes live; let's our offspring live in His truthful grace.

위 글은 교회신문 <69호> 기사입니다.

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