Jesus Christ Came to Save Us

등록날짜 [ 2005-12-06 17:26:04 ]

God is the Savior. He saves whoever wants and desires for His salvation. (John3:16) Christmas is the day the Savior came: it's the day we long for and wait for because we need being saved.
From the beginning of human history we human beings have been given the right to be happy in the Lord's love. But deceived by the devil to sin apart from His word, man became a being destined to the permanent death as a sinner off from God's chest.
Nothing or nobody has been able to help man be freed from the deadly burden which leads man to the curse of the sin, disease, troubles and eventual death. To the eye of people who have been born blind under the curse, however, these have looked like a matter of course in spite nobody wants or welcomes them. But God did not leave man under this condemnation of death, so He practiced His decisive and definite plan to send His only begotten son in order to save man. Jesus' coming was from God's greatest love for man.
In fact people had been longing, from the pure heart of their soul struggling to live, for the Savoir who was promised by God for humans. Apart from God people had to see their body infected, their mind exhausted and their soul forsaken to death; so they were thirst for the way for life off from the curse and death. Jesus Christ is the Savoir who would bring us that life, the eternal happiness of human life.
And His coming is 'Christmas'. He healed the sick; He revived the death. He brought the wealth for the poor.
He moved people from the desert of curse to the garden of blessing. Christmas is the day for the unhappy to become happy, the best day for all human being. But Christmas is not for the carnal pleasure or worldly amusement. The true meaning of Christmas is the realization of God's blessing: the coming of His life.
On this day His blessing was pronounced and every man was given the true happiness. Actually Jesus came to be wounded and bled for the sick.(Isaiah53) He was God but did not mind being crushed for opening the way our life become solid standing both bodily and spiritually.
In order for us to be healed of the death-bringing sickness He had to be scourged to death. Christmas is the coming of Jesus the Savoir into this world.
Jesus came to change the cursed into the blessed by taking on His body all the curse of man. Christmas is for Jesus to give wealth to the poor. Jesus came as God who could solve the human problem of the lack of life, the poverty of human life. Sin causes death. But Jesus broke this rule by putting Himself on the altar of sacrifice: He gave out His own life to give us eternal wealth of life.
He gave up His throne of the heavenly kingdom and His wealth there and His life to give them all to us the sinners. Therefore Christmas should be the day the poor is longing for. Christmas should recover its true meaning: the holy coming of Jesus Christ who took the body to give Him to the world.
The Lord Jesus is lawful God. He didn't use any unlawful power like any worldly political power. He paid enough for the life of sinners who had to die of their sins.
If you spend Christmas on satisfying your carnal desire as if it were a legally allowed season for corruptions, it is the most severe sinning.
If you misunderstand Christmas, it becomes nothing for you. Nothing from Jesus becomes yours. Instead you become a destroyer of God's will.
Ask what is Christmas for you. For you Christmas is the most joyful time.
For Jesus Christ it is the time of worst trouble, the severest suffering, the cruelest curse and the deepest pain of crucifixion.
Brothers and sisters, we mustn't waste this precious time like people on the streets. We must accept the Savoir.
Are you sick? Then accept Him to be healed healthy from sickness because He is the carrier of this tremendous blessing from the heavenly God. Are you in poverty? Then accept the Savoir to get the eternal wealth from the heavenly God. Are you under the curse? Then accept the Savoir to get freedom and happiness in God who loves you.
Are you a sinner destined to die of sinning? Then accept Him who saves. He was wounded to heal us; He gave up His throne of heavenly kingdom to make us wealthy; He was crucified to undertake on His body the curse of our sins in order to give us His happiness.
His coming was really for blessing man. Now and this moment let's welcome this graceful blessing of Jesus Christ the greatest Savoir; let Him make us freed from the curse of sins and diseases and poverties and death. Make Christmas a climax of our happiness under blessing God in Jesus Christ!

위 글은 교회신문 <79호> 기사입니다.

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