[교육국 전도결의대회] 교회 미래인 ‘교회학교’ 부흥하게 하소서!
등록날짜 [ 2018-08-28 18:07:48 ]
Pastors from around the world attended the 57th interdenominational pastor’s spiritual seminar from February 26 (Monday) to March 1 (Thursday) gave a testimony about what they had receive God’s grace.
To do pastoral ministry by inspiration of the Holy Spirit
봄방 로제(Cameroon)
I have done my pastoral ministry for about 30 years. However, I realized that I should repent for my many faults by listening to Pastor Yoon’s spirit filled sermon, by participating in this pastor’s seminar. Pastor Yoon said, “We can be saved by living according to the word of God, not by following theology or doctrines”. By this, I realized that I had committed sin by setting limits on the power of the Holy Spirit. I was very much distressed by this. From now on, I will do my pastoral ministry by following every inspiration from the Holy Spirit. I will pray to become humble. I will give up humanism in my pastoral ministry and do God-oriented pastoral ministry.
Every time I come, I get plenty of grace
Maralack Johannes(South Africa)
This year is the 20th year of my pastoral ministry. I attended the pastor’s seminar five times. Every time I come to Korea, I received God’s grace in the pastor’s seminar and after I go back to my country and do God’s work with ease. This time, 38 South African pastors came to Korea with the wishes to do powerful spiritual ministry. Every time I attend the pastor’s seminar, I check my ministry. I examined whether I was obedient and prayed to be lead by the Holy Spirit, ministered by the work of the blood of Jesus on the cross, and did my pastoral ministry by humanism. I realized once again and repented listening to pastor Yoon’s sermon that resources for pastoral ministry are the only prayer.
Pastor Yoon’s sermon is overflowing the blood of Jesus
Pierre Louis (Haiti)
Pastor Yoon’s pastoral ministry that does not follow the ways of the world and preaching from the Bible gave me a shock and challenge to my pastoral ministry. I will pray more for the pastoral ministry filled with the Holy Spirit. Haiti churches are reviving day by day through pastor’s seminar in Hindolsan Retreat Center and the churches built by Yonsei Central Baptist Church. Pastor Charles Sanno started to pray after attending the pastor’s seminar for the first time, and the numbers of Saints increased from 50 to 80. The Church of the Pastor Made Charles has also been revived, and the Church of the Pastor Pede Dona has revived the number of Saints from 80 to 200. This is what the Lord has done.
I will ask the Saints to pray together
Saim Shamoon (Pakistan)
It took me a day and four hours to get to Korea, but I received three big gifts. First, I was challenged by watching the saints of the Yonsei Central Church, who prayed enthusiastically with tears in every worship hour.
Second, Korean pastors gathered every Monday to pray for their country and nation, for their pastoral ministry, so I decided to gather together our country pastors to pray together. Finally, with the words of Pastor Yoon preaching according to the Bible, I will go back to Pakistan and tell our Saints to live a faith lives as the Bible says and will ask them to pray together.
I will do the pastoral ministry which the Lord is pleased
William Face Plomo (Liberia)
It took me for 72 hours via various countries to come to Korea. Though it was hard for me to come Korea, I am glad that I find a way to do pastoral ministry by hearing pastor Yoon’s sermon. I realize how the pastor should struggle to live holy before the Word of God, and why I should pour out all of the pastor for the saints’ souls.
Just as Jesus had thrown himself on the cross and saved the human soul, I had to pour out all I am(all I have) into my pastoral ministry, just like Jesus did. But I didn’t. I repented that I did not pray and did not fight the world. Now I have holy responsibility. I will pray to God to give myself fully to God.
I will pray on my knees eight hours a day
Eung-suk kim(Germany)
As Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit, he attended the pastor seminar to be used by the Holy Spirit. I repented for my obligatory prayer when I have prayed. Now prayer is like honey. I have experienced the filling of the Holy Spirit and have repented of the sins of myself and just looked on my neighbor’s, knowing that the wages of sin is death. I have made up my mind that I myself will overcome sin first and will preach to the church members to overcome sin. I will kneel and pray for eight hours a day. I will love the church members with all my heart. I want to be used by the Lord in my pastoral ministry doing according to His inspiration.
I decided that I will do the ministry according to the Bible
Swaray Jeremiah Cinton(Sierra Leone)
When I saw Pastor Yoon’s pastoral ministry and his preaching according to the Bible, I made a big change in my heart that I also should do my pastoral ministry according to the word of God. First time I did not understand the pastoral ministry doing according to the Scripture. But when I repented hearing the sermon and restored holiness, the Holy Spirit moved me. It occurred in my mind that if I do my pastoral ministry as Jesus did, I would reenact the life of Jesus as it was.
I will pray after I go to Sierra Leone and will maintain filling of the Holy Spirit to keep holiness. I’ll teach my saints well. I desire what the Lord will do.
I realize how to do pastoral ministry
Nguessan Amani(Cote d’Ivoire)
In November 2017, I attended the conference in Cote d’Ivoire. Pastor Yoon preached to over 25,000 pastors. I received great grace in the conference that I came with 29 pastors of Cote d’Ivoire taking 24 hours to attend seminar for pastors in Hindolsan Retreat Center. Pastor Yoon’s sermon makes pastors realize how to do pastoral ministry. When Jesus Christ began His public life, firstly He asked to repent. I realized that it was the mission for the pastor to let the saints repent and change them. I will preach for the saints to repent and to have faith to go to heaven by the work of the blood of Jesus on the cross. I can’t do it and it’s what the Lord will do in prayer. I give thanks, praise, and glory to the Lord who has done all these things.
Not praying and not evangelizing are sins
David Botchway(Ghana)
Four pastors from Ghana participated in this pastor’s seminar in Hindolsan Retreat Center. They shared one conclusion of this conference, in a sentence, ‘Let’s pray’. Pastor Prince said, “I realize that not evangelizing and not praying are sins. In my home church, I will preach more about heaven and hell to my church members.”
Paster Immanuel said, “Pastors should absolutely pray.” Pastor Miriam confessed, “I repented that I did not pray more.” They thoroughly repented of the sin of not praying that they have lost souls. They made up their mind to keep souls, worth more than the whole world, as well as building them to be men of God.
Revival of all 13 churches in Togo
Sokouma Seidou Bado(Togo)
After I attended the Pastor Yoon’s conference in Togo, I found out that prayer is the right way to ministry. As I heard sermons I prayed then, the saints are increasing and the church is reviving. Yonsei Central Baptist Church has completed 13 churches and 90 churches are under construction in Togo, with the goal of building 300 churches. The church built in ‘Amanpah’ is already revived and the Saints are overflowing. At this seminar, our pastors from Togo realized the word and prayed with God’s word and received great grace. I give glory to God.
I will organize prayer meetings with church members
Eklou Kossi Mesmin(Gabon)
I repented of my sin with tears in every session of this pastor’s seminar. I could not resist the urgency in my heart that I should not do pastoral ministry like how I’ve done, by listening to sermons from Pastor Yoon who preached to the pastors with the heart of God. Pastor Yoon said to the pastors, “Please repent of sin and become holy.” In a message that pastors should do faith life better than congregations to pastor them, I repented my sin as I did not live like that. When I go back to Gabon, I will organize prayer meeting with congregations. God uses those who pray.
I will remove the customs of the world from my mind
M’ Boueya Alexander(France)
Even before coming to this conference, I was filled with the longing for Pastor Yoon’s Spirit-filled sermon. Every sermon at this conference was just what I needed. Pastor Yoon said, “How many pastors like watching TV dramas? In conferences, you would receive grace. However, you would feel relieved by catching up on the dramas that you missed on YouTube or the Internet when you get back home. Right?” I had a guilty conscience. So I made up my mind to remove TV and cultures of the world from my mind and minister only by prayer.
I repented shameful passed days
Orji Nathaniel Anya(Nigeria)
I could not avoid the words that Pastor Yoon preached about “Repent”. The pastor made me realize the details of the Bible so that I could realized what I did wrong. I was shameful about what I did and repented. I greatly repented of the sins that I have not evangelized and served the saints with the heart of the Lord. I thoroughly repented because I was worried that the one who is blocked from the Lord would not do his pastoral ministry well. Prayer really changed my pastoral ministry and life. I will not rest my prayer when I return to Nigeria.
Pledging to lead a thorough faith life before pastoral ministry
Francis Chivuta(Zambia)
I learned that I should do my pastoral ministry with the power of the Holy Spirit in the pastor’s seminar in Hindolsan Retreat Center. I made up my mind to throw away human ways and only rely on the Holy Spirit in my pastoral ministry. I have been concentrating on prayer since I heard the preaching of pastor Seok-Joon Yoon. I have got faith that if I pray, the Lord will be responsible for pastoral ministry. As the Lord leads my pastoral ministry, the number of saints is increasing and the church is reviving.
I repented greatly for not praying
Benjamin Romelleo(Mexico)
I came to Korea from the other side of the world wanting to follow his pastoral ministry of Pastor Yoon. In this seminar, I was impressed by the sermon that when Pastors lead his faith life well live a good spiritual life, they can save the souls of the saints. I also repented of the sins I did not pray for. I found that the key to the success of the pastoral ministry was prayer, and pledged to increase individual prayer times and expand church prayer meetings. Mexican pastors have been devoting themselves to prayer after they attended the pastor’s seminar. In November 2017, our church held the largest interdenominational prayer meeting in Mexico. Prayer meeting began to held every Sunday in the church of pastor Hakobo, where pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon will be invited in May for conference.
I give glory, thanks, and praise to the Lord who has led me to pray.
Repented with tears whenever I attended the pastor’s seminar 10th times.
Chan-gil Park(USA)
Every year since 9 years ago, I have received God’s grace in the pastor’s seminar at Hindolsan Retreat Center. Pastor Seok-Jeon Yoon preached earnestly, “Do not be a hired hand pastor.” “Live for the time of the soul, not the time of the flesh.”
I realize the amount that I have not done my best for the soul of the church member and before the Lord. So each time I repent with tears. Dozens of pastors from San Francisco gather on every Monday and cry out in prayer after taking a DVD on the practical pastoral ministry research institute’s sermon that was held at Hindolsan Retreat Center. The reason I have continued to attend the practical pastoral ministry research institute in San Francisco for eight years is that if we pray hotly, we experience a new ministry and the Holy Spirit in every church.
I will overcome persecution by Muslims through prayer
Abdurakhmonov Ismoil(Tajikistan)
90% of Tajikistans are Muslim. When anyone is converted to Christianity, the person is severely persecuted by neighbors. I was greatly encouraged by listening to Pastor Yoon’s sermon in this seminar. I was shocked that he preached the gospel saying, “Believe in Jesus and be saved” in the center of Palestine, even though the people regard persecuting believers in Jesus as an honor. I received grace by his sermon, “when we do our pastoral ministry by the power of the Holy Spirit, we can show who the true God is.” I realized that I should pray and minister with spiritual power in order to do ministry in the nations where spreading the gospel is restricted. God had reason to send me to Korea, which took 30 hours by plane.
I made up my mind to do God-centered pastoral ministry, not human-centered
Jung-hwan Shin(Russia)
“A pastoral ministry with Jesus ahead of me” A word from Pastor Yoon made my heart weep. At this pastor’s seminar, I repented past the humanistic pastoral ministry. I have put a limitation of my ability and did not admit things which are beyond my ability. So I could not do my pastoral ministry as much as the apostles who showed signs and wonders in the Bible. I have realized the power of prayer. I will change myself who did not pray and will pray for the Lord to use me for winning souls. The Spirit who searches all things, even the deep things of God has opened wide my eyes to read the Bible. I will read the word of God a lot. I give thanks, praise, and glory to the Lord who has done all these things.
I will boldly preach the gospel by the power of the Holy Spirit
Mi-hye Yoo(England)
I am doing my pastoral ministry in London, England. I heard that pastor Yoon preached in the middle of the Islamic country. It was great challenging to me. There are many Muslims in England. In the middle of the Islamic country, I heard that pastor Yoon preached them to believe in Jesus. It made me greatly challenged. When we heal Muslims in the name of Jesus like Jesus solved their problem and heal the sick, Muslim came to know the true God. So I prayed that I would preach boldly to Muslims and alcoholics with the power of the Holy Spirit. I will pray to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit for evangelism. I knew for sure that when I do pastoral ministry by the way of the Lord and the Holy Spirit, I can do my pastoral ministry successfully. The power of Jesus is given only by the Holy Spirit.
I am the first one who should repent
Muchi Daniel Kihuha(Kenya)
I was the right person who should repent at this seminar.
Pastor Yoon preached, “Pastors also go to hell by their wages of sin if they commit sin not doing in faith life.” It was a message to me, not someone else.
If I don’t be alert in my pastoral ministry and faith life, I would go to hell though I am a pastor. So repented with tears. I will return home with the expectation that I will repent more and experience tremendous spiritual restoration in my pastoral ministry. I give thanks, praise, and glory to the Lord who has done all these things.
I am so happy to get resources for pastoral ministry
Nsabimana Bonaventure(Burundi)
I wanted to participate in pastor’s seminar and to have a spiritual pastoral ministry. I was full of hope to be used as a servant of God. In this seminar, Pastor Yoon taught us to serve the Holy Spirit in order to do the pastoral ministry properly. The pastoral ministry must be done by God. I have deeply realized that I must be obedient to the Holy Spirit to be good at pastoral ministry. I am glad to come to the pastor’s seminar and get resources for my pastoral ministry. I will preach to my church members to repent. I will do my pastoral ministry in the power of God without following the ways of the world. The only way is prayer. I will pray for the success of my pastoral ministry and for the soul of the saints. All this was done by the Lord.
I dusted off concern and anguish in my pastoral ministry
Nakajima Tetsuo(Japan)
We promised “Let’s pray for 4 hours a day” with 16 Japanese pastors who participated in the seminar for the pastors in 2017 last summer in Hindolsan Retreat Center. Then the issue of the Church suffering from separation between saints was resolved. As the Bible says, my pastoral ministry has been changed and the contents of the sermon have been completely changed. When I preach, I say, “Lead your faith life only according to the word of God.” I was fully supplied with by the mind of the Lord who loved souls even to the point of death. I made a resolution to fulfill the Lord’s request of soul winning through prayer
Only prayer has the power to change the church members
Leng Sanou(Cambodia)
I have come to Korea for eight hours to attend a graceful seminar for pastors that I can not find in our country. After the last pastor seminar, prayer time has increased and spiritual power has increased. Pastors who attended together are also doing their pastoral ministry being led by the Holy Spirit. Only prayer has the power to change the church members. If I do my pastoral ministry by myself, I should take the responsibility. But if I do the pastoral ministry with the power given through prayer, I can not but success in pastoral ministry. Pastor Yoon also inscribed ‘prayer’ in my heart of pastoral ministry in this seminar for pastors.
I greatly repented of lacking of faith
Motshegwe Joy Nnyana M(Botswana)
“Pastors also have to do well in their faith life before the pastoral ministry. How do they do their pastoral ministry without doing their own faith life?” I realized that I was a faithless pastor in this pastor’s seminar. I did not believe what the Bible said as it is. The Lord could not work through me because I was lacking of faith. I realized that it was a great sin having no faith and I repented fervently. All pastors in Botswana meet monthly. I encourage pastors to participate in seminar for pastors in Hindolsan Retreat Center. Botswana pastors who attended the pastor’s seminar and experienced revival in their churches are encouraging them to attend the seminar with them. I feel that the seminar for pastors in Hindolsan Retreat Center is absolutely need for my pastoral ministry this time, too.
I realized that I was a sinner prior to be a pastor
Moyo Sandas(Zimbabwe)
I kept sinning but I did not know that I was. Nobody has pointed out that not praying is sin. In this pastor’s seminar, I reviewed my pastoral ministry by God’s word and realized that I have not told congregations to pray, to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to repent of sins by relying on the blood of Jesus. Now I realized that it is a sin. I repented thoroughly and changed the way I do my pastoral ministry. Now, I will go back to my country and will pray with our congregation.
Every time I come, my pastoral ministry is renewed
Abdias Joseph Gbenagnon(Benin)
Every time I come to Hindolsan Retreat Center, my pastoral ministry has renewed.
In this seminar, Pastor Yoon asked the pastor to pray more earnestly speaking the situation of the time when Jesus would come again. I was also moved by the Holy Spirit “to pray more.” Just as the Lord asked, “Be holy, because I am holy,” I immediately realized that when pastor prays and become holy, he can make the souls of the saints repent.
Pastor, come to Mozambique and help us
Samie Massinggeu(Mozambique)
I expected to receive grace while coming from Mozambique to Korea. I was challenged by Seok-Jeon Yoon, who prayed for 7-8 hours a day, and Yonsei Central Baptist Church members who pray for 2 hours every evening. I also decided to pray. I hope a lot of Mozambique pastors come and learn prayer. I hope that Pastor Yoon will come to Mozambique to preach hosting a conference. I give thanks, praise, and glory to the Lord who has done all these things.
I will follow the word and the Holy Spirit
Byeong-gi Choi(Philippines)
Pastor is only a tool to be used by the Holy Spirit. I realized thoroughly that there is nothing but repentance and prayer to pastoral ministry to reveal Jesus alone without revealing me. I made up my mind to preach and shepherd according to the guidance of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. I realized that only the Word, prayer, and filling of the Holy Spirit are the best ways to save souls.
I realized “what is the Right Gospel”
Jang Min(Taiwan)
What is the ‘true gospel’? Pastor Yoon earnestly preached, “Do not go to hell.” It was the heart of the gospel. I changed the theme of my sermon to “Do not go to hell”. There is no ‘other gospel’ in my pastoral ministry to just wrap up Jesus as a philanthropist and despise the work of the blood of Jesus on the cross.
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