대학청년회 에스크(ASK) 종강예배
캠퍼스 위해 기도하게 하신 주께 영광
등록날짜 [ 2019-03-02 17:04:09 ]
“Amen!” “Hallelujah!” All the foreign pastors from all around the world kept nodding and crying out loud during Pastor Yoon’s preaching. Each language came and flowed through the earphones they were wearing. The translating room is located at the back of the second floor in Hindolsan retreat center and it helps foreign pastors to understand the preaching, by hearing it in their own language, and to receive grace.The pastors’ conference in summer 2018. Here are the stories of 10 translators, who have the heart of the Lord. (Target language - Name ①Nationality ②Position in Church ③Mission field ④Years of Interpretation)
1. English
: Joo-Rim kim
① Korea ② Missionary ③ Republic of South Africa ④ 19 years
Missionary Kim, a veteran translator, first translated for Pastor Yoon at the 2014 conference in Swaziland.Since then, she has translated for 4 years at the pastors’ conferences at Hindolsan Retreat Centre.She says, “Pastor Yoon always preaches the Word of God earnestly, with his whole heart.So how could I translate quietly?”.She raises her voice high, with her whole body moving, just like Pastor Yoon.She translates with great passion.Each time the seminar ends, Missionary Kim is as hot as if she had a fever.
Preparing to translate for the pastors conference, she prayed as much as she could and read the New Testament six times.She said, “Every time I translate, I feel that Pastor Yoon’s preaching gets deeper as the years go by.I really look forward to the spiritual depth of his next preaching”.
2. Spanish
: Dong-hyeok Seong
① Korea ② Leader of Spanish Interpreters’ team in FMB of Yonsei Central Baptist Church ③ Korea ④ 2 years
Sung lived in Paraguay during his childhood and became proficient in Spanish. He is a student of the Graduate School of Yonsei University in the Department of Economics. Two years ago, he started to serve pastors from Mexico attending the Pastor’s Seminar and accompanied them closely. Normally, on the Lord’s day, he carries out the ministry of translation for Spanish native speakers who are attending the services in our church. This April, he served Pastor Yoon as his personal translator in the ‘Conference in Mexico with Pastor Yoon.’
“Whenever I translate, I feel more deeply in my heart how pastoral Pastor Yoon’s life is, and how honestly he preaches. I’m very proud of being a church member of Yonsei Central Baptist Church where all saints can serve ‘a real minister’ used by the Lord. I am very thankful to God for this.”
3. JapanEse
: Eun-sook Hwang
①① Korea ② ② Leader of Japanese Interpreters’ team in FMB of Yonsei Central Baptist Church ③ ③ Korea ④④5 years
Hwang has a doctorate in engineering from Japan. Ahead of the pastor’s seminar, she prepared thoroughly with fasting, praying, reading the Bible and listening to Pastor Yoon’s preaching. She said, “If I make a mistake translating during the service, I feel like I have sinned in neglecting the Lord’s work.” The last time she preached, ahead of the 58thseminar, she increased the number of days of fasting so she fasted every Lord’s days for several months. “Because of a God-given ability, I could translate without any block,” she said and she offered all those 3 nights and 4 days of translation to the Lord.
“One of the Japanese pastors in Japan arranged with the department of data processing in Yonsei Central Baptist Church to have services at the same time as Korea, via satellite broadcasting. As I’m in charge of Japanese translation, I hope that the gospel with the blood of Jesus will fill all Japan.”
4. Vietnamese Language
: Pueok
① Vietnam ② Interpreter, Anyang New Central Church ③ Korea ④ 3 years
It has been 10 years since Pueokcame to Korea. He confessed, “Pastors in Vietnam came to Korea, flying for 5 hours, and, exhausted, attended the conference. With the power of the Holy Spirit, grace was poured out on the people and on me also.” During his time translating, he received grace on the theme of, “Work with the might and strength of the Holy Spirit and act as the Word in the Bible says.”
5. French
: Pastor Augustine
① Benin ② Pastor ③ Benin ④ 15 years
He took charge of translating into French in all the major conferences held in Africa in such countries as Nigeria, Togo, Cote d’Ivoire and Mali. He said, “This was the biggest conference in my lifetime so I had to fast for 40 days as a translator to prepare.I have been in many conferences before, but I have never seen one like this in terms of scale; the preaching of the Gospel was profound. It was purely the grace of God.”
6,7 Portuguese Language
: Young-jee Yoon, Hanna Yoon
① Korea ② Missiontary ③ Brazil ④ 18 years
The two Yoon sisters, daughters of Missionary Jong-guen Yoon, have lived in Brazil since childhood.They both graduated from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, majoring in Portuguese, then followed the Lord’s direction for their lives.The younger, Hanna Yoon, translated for the State Visitor, Silva, President of Brazil, who visited Korea for a conference about 3 years ago.Her translation was excellent.
She confessed, “Translating preaching is never easy.” Because there are no exact words for ‘the devil,’ ‘Satan’ and ‘evil spirits’ which can distinguish them accurately, and there are no words for uniquely Korean concepts, she struggled in her work. However, her translation was high-level and spiritually deep; so pastors from Brazil cried, “Amen!” with tears and received grace.
8. Myanmar Language
: Yoo-ran Je
① Korea ② Missionary ③ Myanmar
④ 5 years
When she took charge of translation during the ‘Conference with Pastor Yoon’ held in Myanmar in 2014, she heard Pastor Yoon’s request, “Please translate with the heart of the Lord.” So she prayed to translate with the sympathetic heart of the Lord.
“One of the pastors said with tears, ‘I appreciate God calling and leading me here,’ ‘I was so lazy with my prayer life before, and now I have an obvious plan for the future after I go back to Myanmar.’ When I saw him saying such things, I also received grace and felt rewarded as a translator.”
9. Language of Z
: Choo-hyang Seo
① Country of Z (currently Korea) ② Leader of language of Z Interpreters' team in FMB of Yonsei Central Baptist Church ③ Korea ④ 12 years
Ahead of the translating time, she asked for the help of the Holy Spirit by praying more than 2 hours every day and joining in relay prayer with fasting in the department of Foreign Mission Board.
Since the translation was for the Word from the conference with the grace of God, there were lots of evil forces interrupting. During the translation in the conference for youths, she felt such serious pain from her neck to under her waist that she couldn’t even move a step. But at that time she translated the part of the Pastor Yoon’s preaching, “Believe the power of God from the Word.” So she laid down her suffering and just concentrated on translating for the saints from Z nation so that they could receive grace. Finally right after the conference, she experienced healing and could walk again.
10. Khmer Language
: Touch Chana
① Cambodia ② Pastor ③ Cambodia
④ 15 years
Khmer is an official language in Cambodia. Touch Chana can translate from English to Khmer since he has studied English from high school. He wanted to translate with truth and faith by opening his ears, so that all the attending pastors from Cambodia could receive great grace.
“By translating, I repented from the bottom of my heart. I laid down all my previous issues and myself and I just began to believe the power of the Holy Spirit and to rely on Him. I only glorify the Lord who has given me all the grace.” / by Mi-Ae Son
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