강유식의 생활영어
나의 영어실력은? (가족과 함께 풀어보세요.)

등록날짜 [ 2007-09-14 09:06:35 ]

■ Grammar -Elementary

[1-5] 단어들을 올바르게 배열하여 문장을 완성하시오.
[보기] I get to do airport the how?
(공항에 어떻게 갑니까?) => How do I get to the airport?

1. the way is to this shopping center?
(이쪽이 쇼핑센터로 가는 길입니까?) _______________________________
2. tell me the bank where you could is?
(어디에 은행이 있는지 말씀해 주시겠습니까?) _____________________
3. a restaurant there is Chinese here near?
(이 근처에 중국식당이 있습니까?) _________________________________
4. it's , yeah main road on the on left the.
(예, 그것은 주요 도로의 왼쪽 편에 있습니다.) ______________________
5. post office tell you could me get to the how to?
(어떻게 우체국에 가는지 말씀해 주시겠어요?) ______________________

1. Is this the way to the shopping center?
2. Could you tell me where the bank is?
3. Is there a Chinese restaurant near here?
4. Yeah, it's on the main road on the left.
5. Could you tell me how to get to the post office?

제공: E of E 어학원

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