The Mission of a Church

등록날짜 [ 2006-02-27 14:41:21 ]

God wills: And He works His will.
His will is what the bible says. Therefore the word is God. (John1:1)
God knew man at stake in body and spirit with all the pains of earthly life: So He sent this world the Savoir Jesus Christ who became the embodied word through which He resolved the pains from human troubles. (Psalm107:15-22)
This had been prophesied by God because He loved man so much as to plan His love to be embodied. (John 19:30)

Thus Jesus undertook all the human pains onto His body; He had His body torn and bled as a lamb so that the word of God spoken by prophets was fulfilled (Matthew1:22-23); because He does not lie but keeps His word so much as to throw even His own son in accordance with His word.(Isaiah 53:5-6)
Three days after His crucifixion for human pains Jesus rose up from the death and told His disciples, “Teach people to obey everything I have commanded you.”(Matthew28:19)
He told Peter, “Take care of my sheep.”(John21:15-17)
He said, “In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”(Mark16:17-20)
And He said, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”(Acts1:8)

He told those words as His supreme order to His disciples before He ascended to heaven; they put in their heart His commandment which had been done by Jesus while on the earth; then they knew what to do. (John14:12)

After receiving Jesus’ commandment His disciples joined all together constantly in prayer until the Holy Spirit Jesus promised came to rest on them. This moment the upper room became the church of which head was the Lord.
Bible says, “You are God’s temple and God’s Spirit lives in you.”(1Corinthian3:16)
Those who got the Holy Spirit in them, who accepted in their mind the Lord Jesus Christ, became a church and we call the gathering of those individual an ecclesia that is a community church.
This church had members of one hundred and twelve saints plus Jesus’ Disciples.
What was announced by prophets was fulfilled by Jesus Christ(John19: 30) and was experienced by each person in the Holy Spirit.
So this gospel shared through Moses, prophets, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit was also ordered to be preached to the whole world; and what church had to do was to fulfill this mission.

What church is built up for is showing Jesus’ life.
Therefore church is the body of the Lord (Ephesian1:23) and the head of the church is the Jesus Christ. (Ephesian1:22)
The body is ordered by the head; likewise the church shall do what the Lord commands.

The church is the completion of the salvation; it preaches in the Holy
Spirit the complete gospel of salvation. As Jesus lived in the Holy Spirit church shall practice His work in the same Holy Spirit.
In the Holy Spirit Jesus was born (Matthew1:18); He was led by the Holy Spirit (Matthew4:1); He taught through the Holy Spirit (Act1:1-8); He ordered people to accept the Holy Spirit (Acts1:8). He performed miracles (Luke4:14), did good and healed those under the power of the devil (Acts10:38), drove out the demons (Matthew12:28), died and rose in the Holy Spirit. (Rome8:11)

Because church is the body of the Lord and the Lord head of the church, the church should rightfully be born in the Holy Spirit (Acts2:4), be led by the Holy Spirit (John16:13), preach the gospel in the Holy Spirit (John14:26), order and heal those captured by the devil (Mark16:17-20) and drive out the demons all in the Holy Spirit. We shall follow Jesus’ way to die for the Lord in the Holy Spirit (Acts7:59-60).
In the Holy Spirit we belong to a church for resurrection in the same Holy Spirit; we shall also complete the mission of the church, the one body of the Lord; we shall be in the kingdom of the heaven with Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit receiving the crown of the eternal life.(Rome8:16-18)

All these are God’s plan and work to save human souls.
Jesus came to do God’s will (John6:38-40); and He accomplished His will (John19:30). The Holy Spirit carries His will to preach this gospel of salvation to the whole human beings. (Acts 1:8)
But on the way of God’s work we find the evil power opposing this holy work of the Father. Therefore as Jesus got extreme prosecution it is of no wonder that churches ardent for the evangelism also get prosecuted.
What we understand from the bible is, Christians shall be prosecuted in the Holy Spirit to the point you save those at stake lest they are brought by the devil to the hell.(Revelation12:17)
We also understand the church built in the Holy Spirit shall not fall.
Remember Paul who testified himself,” Now I rejoice in what was suffered for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church.”(Colossians1:23-25)

My beloved brothers and sisters, this grand auditorium is allowed as the crown of our heartfelt faith deeds.
There is the great mission on us from God to save those souls. As long as there is at least one unbeliever in this land this church needs be an upper room of Mark’s, another Jerusalem church and a young church forever devoted in the soul winning in the presence of Jesus’ supreme commandment.
Brothers and sisters, be careful not to be simply fascinated by the wonderful look of the great building. Don’t let yourself self-satisfied with your deeds and contributions lest having yourself left in misunderstanding those as righteousness-bringing to you.
But be awoken to live a same life as of Jesus, a life for searching for those wondering in the perishing desert.
You need clearly understand yourselves, the real value of a Christian’s life and the mission of church as long as we see those who don’t believe.
My brothers and sisters, let’s gather to pray, to listen to the word and be full of the Holy Spirit.
Let’s go out, like a thirsty and hungered man search for water and food, to search for people and preach the gospel with all our heart and power so that they are saved from the death.

Lord I want to be, like Paul, Jesus’ disciples and Stephan, full of the Holy Spirit, live and die in the Holy Spirit through any troubles or difficulties. Help me to defeat the power of the hell. Help me to save those falling down to hell.

위 글은 교회신문 <82호> 기사입니다.

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