[영어] 1000 world-wide church construction is smoothly going on
Currently 1000 churches to be completed to select Scheduled to be completely built until 2020

등록날짜 [ 2019-09-04 16:33:19 ]

Building 1,000 churches in the world by Yonsei Central Baptist Church Haiti in Latin America has completed the goal of 200 churches. South Africa has completed 60 churches among the 100 planned to build. Togo has completed 120 churches among 300 churches and 91 churches are under construction. Cote d'Ivoire and Benin have a goal of building 100 churches. Currently, five churches have built in Côte d'Ivoire, and one church in Benin. 8 churches are under construction in Myanmar, which was selected as a construction to build the church last year. 2 churches are being built in Mexico, One church is being built in Ghana, Zambia and Cameroon.

1000 churches are currently under construction according to ‘The 1000 church building project in the world’ of Yonsei Central Baptist in 16 countries such as Togo, Côte d'Ivoire, South Africa, Burundi, Benin, eSwatini, Ghana and Myanmar.

Haiti completed 200 churches. It started to build in December 2013 and took 5 years and 2 months. Dao, a local missionary sent by our church, and “The Assembly of God of Togo” are working together to build 300 churches in Togo.

They are building 70 churches in Savanes Region in the northernmost province, 70 churches in Kara, 65 churches in Centrale Region, 55 churches in Plateaux Region, and 40 churches in Maritime Region which located in the capital Lomé.

As of April 2019, 120 churches have been completed and 91 churches are under construction.

South Africa has selected the church location and the architect in August last year to build 100 churches. 60 churches in Northwest province, 30 churches in western Northern Cape province, and 10 churches in Limpopo province will be built.

60 of them have been completed and 20 are under construction.

19 churches in Pakistan, 2 churches in Nepal, 5 churches in India, 2 churches in Brazil, 1 church in K country have been completed. At this rate, we expect to complete all 1,000 churches by 2020. Yonsei Central Church's “Building 1,000 Churches in the World” has been recorded as the achievement of the Lord's command of “You will be my witnesses to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1: 8) We give glory, thanks, and praise to the Lord who has done all these things.

위 글은 교회신문 <639호> 기사입니다.

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