Look, the Lamb of God coming into the world!

등록날짜 [ 2004-02-18 14:21:02 ]

Jesus Christ came this world as Savoir of man: the Word who was with God came into among people.

Jesus Christ is the One and Only Son of God who came into the world in order to deliver man from desperation and to put an end to the impossibility of man. Nobody or nothing can give deliverance to man without His sacrifice; Man is in the environment from which he cannot escape for himself forever, but from which he can be saved by the Savoir who threw His Own life into and for the world. This is the true way to understand the birth of Jesus Christ.

In this world nothing but Jesus Christ is the gate and the way for man to come out of the desperation of the eternal death caused by sin.(John14:6) The world however did not know who He was. Apart from the Lord man cannot give life to himself; but he struggles to live for himself. What he could fill himself with were misunderstanding, envy and malice; consequently he became disobedient and stood against God. He thus needed and made idol for himself; he neglected and could not know God.

From his arrogance man built the Babel of their own will; man began to drive himself toward the curse and the death. From his nature of flesh filled with what the devil brought to them- the crazy desire of their body- he called for the destruction and the perish. He chose to enjoy the cup of corruption that was destined to pay him with the punishment of hell. Like a fatty pig he became heavy in his body and soul with sin; accordingly being able to do nothing for his soul and for his own salvation. In spirit and body man has reached the last point of corruption: He was and is nothing but the sinner just before the last day of judge.

In order to give salvation to the man from his sin, Jesus Christ appeared to this world and put himself on the curse of the devil being put to death on the cross.

For the completion of the salvation of man the LORD Jesus Christ went His way of utmost pains; He was put to death as a sacrificing sheep for sinners. In His deep distress and sorrow He prayed on Gethsemane seeking the will of the Father who wanted to sacrifice His Own Son for the sinners. He was put to the hands of sinners: He was flogged, despised, sentenced to the punishment of being crucified by Pilate. On His way toward the hill of Golgotha where He was to be crucified He was burdened with the wood of punishment on His own crushed shoulder.

He did not care for Himself: With hungry stomach and pains all around His body He charged Himself with hundred pounds of the cross-wood, walked and stumbled and walked toward the last point of ultimate suffering and cruel destruction Golgotha but filled in His mind with the extreme sorrow and pain for His people who were in the darkness, refusing to understand Him, only being deceived by the devil.

In that time Golgotha was the place where murderers or brutal criminals were killed on the cross. That was the place only for the sinners who could not escape the punishment of death because of their own evil deeds; the place for the disposal of the dregs of humanity, for the beings to be rightly demolished from the world. The LORD was to go that way of sinners. He was not among sinners but was put to the way of sinners.

People misunderstood the LORD; they stood to see Jesus Christ being fallen down into trouble. He was put to shame; His flesh was torn into tatters; He was brought down into fierce killing of cross on that bloody spot. Nobody there however could see the truth of Jesus Christ who was dealt as a brutal criminal with no sympathy from others. On that miserable and bitter ground who could be able to see that he was seeing the very work of Jesus Christ who was the Only Begotten Son of the Father but being offered as sacrificing sheep for the forgiveness of humankind the sinners? (Isaiah 53:5-6)

Through the work of blood of Jesus Christ man could become the one free from the wicked work of the devil which brought sin to man, curse and troubles throwing him into the eternal death never escapable for himself; man became renewed: He got freedom, righteousness and holiness: He became a new creation through Jesus Christ. (2Corinthian 5:17)

If you are the one who knows, believes and has the true meaning of Christmas, you shall first put your eyes on Him who came to the world and put your ears to His last crying on Gethsemane for the Father’s will to sacrifice His Son just for you and me.

Won’t you see His body hurt and blood-soaked from the ruthless flog for you and me in the yard of Caiaphas’? Don’t you hear the people unlawfully shouting, “crucify Jesus crucify Him,” condemning Jesus, against the truth of His righteousness, to death on the cross.

Knowing that Jesus had not committed any crime, Pilate was so afraid of the uproar of the Israelites that he put Jesus onto the hands of his soldiers. His wrong judge was to prepare the way of Jesus Christ toward Golgotha. Do you really want to understand the truth of Christmas? Then look upon the bloody spot of Golgotha where an innocent Man was crucified with every sin of man and its consequent punishment of eternal hell; where a Man was staggering forward with the heavy cross on His exhausted shoulder, and falling on His knees and on His arms; where a Man was walking forward with His body all flogged, beaten, with His holy soul extremely despised and humbled by sinful beings just for the completion of the Father’s will for the redemption of man. Make your own the truth of His death in your mind; the truth of His walk-step bloodstained up to the hill of cross.

Listen to the fierce noise from the hammer driving in nails on the hands and the feet of Jesus Christ who was laid, without sin Himself, on the cross bearing the sin of all humans to die of sinning, who was punished to death like a brutal criminal.

Look upon the LORD and Listen to His groaning with the pain of torn hands and feet and body hung on that cursed cross. “Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”(John 1:29) Let’s share in the unchangeable truth of Christmas for you and me forever.

위 글은 교회신문 <55호> 기사입니다.

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