Be the Winner of the Bless of God

등록날짜 [ 2005-01-17 16:25:09 ]

God is the Creator. God distinguished DAY from NIGHT.

In the past year, we have passed numerous evenings and mornings. And the time we were in pains and troubles of our life might have been NIGHT, which is apart from God.
But we shall be in DAY just past NIGHT.
Because in the darkness of NIGHT, we are lost in the falsehood and troubles, not knowing of the true way. Really under the darkness of the power of the devil, we cannot be in the right way. (Ephesians 6:11-12) Deep in the sleep, consuming up the precious days without faithfulness, we must also have been in the darkness of NIGHT.

But now, awake from the NIGHT and move to the life of the bright DAY.
Like Jacob misunderstood that he was living the DAY life just earning treasures of this world. He could not see the shadow of death just before him until he found himself in the darkness which he couldnot with all his rich deliver his life from. When he found the life truly in the brightness of DAY, he couldn’t give up asking God to save him. The LORD God appeared to him in earnest.

Those who don’t know what the DAY is are the same as in death.
In DAY, the LORD commanded, we must do work.
Those in the darkness of NIGHT are indulged in the affairs of the world.
Those in the brightness of DAY cannot fail in the holy work of the heavenly kingdom.
Those in the darkness of NIGHT plant seeds perishable, of the body, and let themselves fall down into the darkness of eternal death.
Those in the light of DAY plant seeds non-perishable, of the spirit, and find themselves enjoy the eternal life in the light of the LORD.

Remember the Word: “ Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.”(Galatians 6:7 /NASB)
Even in the nature God guaranties the law.
Therefore our plan for the new year shall not be of NIGHT but of DAY.

Hold in your heart: “ What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?”
(Matthew 16:26/ NIV)
Remind you of this: “ No matter how many children you have and how long you live, yet if you are lack of the happiness in your soul, what all the possessions are for?” ( Ecclesiastes 6:3 )

Things good for this worldly life, no matter how long a life you are guarantied with, shall stop; but the blessings of the LORD God is the faith eternally given to you and your offspring for the thousands of generation.
Plan the new year for yourself to live in DAY in the LORD God.
God gave our church the supreme great title in the new year, “ Be full of the holy Spirit and save souls “, which is un-perishable forever and honourable to join the holy work of the LORD God.

God the Father, the Only Son Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit move in accordance to their one plan of delivering men.

Thus agree to, obey to and carry the LORD’s plan so that draw yourself from the darkness of NIGHT to the light of DAY, from the perishable to the non-perishable and from the limited to the eternal.

From the beginning Israelites lead their life in the God, and in their history God carried to the world His light, the Christ Jesus the Savoir of the world.

In the new year, coincide what you plan to what the LORD God plans for you and be among those blessed by Him, with the greatest blessings of Him.
Keep in your mind for the new year the secret of the true blessing of God: The greatest plan to agree to the LORD God’s will.

Like Israelites were drawn from the painful Egypt, pull yourself out of the perishable bodily life.
God helps, with His all-mighty power, those who live the life of DAY in His plan to destroy all the wicked enemies.
Like God blessed the Israelites with freedom and wealth in the land of Canaan, He will bless with His eternal blessing those who agree to and do His plan.
My fellow brothers and sisters, let‘s be in the new year the winner of the bless of God.

위 글은 교회신문 <68호> 기사입니다.

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