Turn to the Father from the pain of corruption

등록날짜 [ 2005-09-01 17:52:14 ]

God creates. Just for His glad will God creates and uses all beings. Therefore all created by Him has been gifted with unchangeable usage in accordance with His good will. Even for human beings God has His good will: To use us in glorifying Him.( Isaiah 43:7) God made man as His best creation, blessed man with His greatest blessing: Firstly He gave man His own image; gave him a right to rule over other kinds of beings on the earth.( Genesis 1:26-31)

Secondly, the Father God gave man the soul that doesn't become nothing forever, as He lives eternally. Thus man became a being with soul, an eternal being which has independent will, the personality. Because of this free will given by God, man has ability of choice. On this foundation man does good, does evil; man has belief, or unbelief; man is free willed.

The devil knows this: The free willed man. But the devil is fundamentally evil. From its origin, it has nothing but a whole bunch of sins and condemnation. A cruel, attempting and destructive being it is. But in quite many chances it takes the mask of good sheep, appears like a light-full angel just for its evil works: It divides and destroys pure personality of man, brings onto humans both bodily and spiritually diseases, curses and kinds of pains. It seduces man sin and put him far apart from God, accordingly falling down to the perish. (Genesis 3:17-19)

The devil was that one which deceived man to sin, made him separated from God and made man cursed like it. It is the enemy of God and virtually the enemy of man. This cursedness brought about the corruption of personality among men. Man also became a being cursed, barely exposed to pains while in this world and to the permanent punishment of hell, a being in distress and grief.

However God could not be indifferent of men's destruction so that He sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ through whom God willed to destroy sins and the devil and to save men. (1John 3:8, Isaiah 53:5-6)

But this world lacks of knowledge of what men and their pains are from.
People don't know the source of happiness. People want the happyness and try to find chances for it. People do endeavor, make every effort and sweat for it. Despite their concerns and pursuits however people kept away from God can not be knowledgeable that man was deprived of all blessings from God because of sinning: All became and born in corruption spiritually. The corrupted spirit means that he is ignorant of God, disobedient to God's word, sinning to the devil's voice, apart from the Father God and perishing away under the curse of sins.

In today's text, the corrupt thought of the second son that he would depart from his father and make for himself his-own-made happiness, brought his misfortune, the totally opposite result from his desire. The son was in ignorance of himself, of his future of terrible failure.

Corruption is ignorance. A corrupted son is really a man of ignorance: Those who don't understand what their happiness is from, what their misfortunes are from. These all are the son. The worldly life indifferent of God may give some amount of joy and gladness but eventually is simply a lack of knowledge that just fruits eventual destruction.

Therefore the corrupted son could not be successful. But just through His holy son Jesus Christ God opened the way for all corrupted men to be freed from sin and curse and all spiritual and flesh pains. He earnestly waits for the corrupt son to return to the Father.

Through the Holy Spirit sent among men God builds the church, selects pastor and uses believers in evangelism in search for His corrupt sons. His earnest search never ends. But in the world there is no guide, no friend to help: Just the work of the devil and sinning and the condemnation rules the world.

Aren't you still a corrupted son? Aren't you still wandering far from the Father's home? With that precious time God granted you? Aren't you still cast under the oppression of sin and curse and pains of disease from the devil? Then don't hesitate to turn to the Father away from the evil.

Until when shall you be ignorant of the Word of the Father? Until when shall you despise His blessing? Until when shall you make fool of His sincere love through His holy son Jesus? Until when shall you be in perishing?

Show no more arrogance before God. But repent being away from God. Be humble, come to Him and be freed from sin. Defeat disease. Be away from pains. In Jesus be free from the law of sin and death; from now and for ever. (John 3:16, Isaiah 53:5-6)

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