Have in you the faith that makes the Lord work

등록날짜 [ 2004-11-26 16:49:40 ]

God knows everything; He is all-mighty.
With his knowledge and power He is just intended to help humans.
God uses His knowledge and power just for man‘s sake; we are so really the most blessed creation on the earth.
In this world however we are under numerous kinds of troubles or pains.
Look, man is not free from the pains that fall upon him putting him under the absolute limitation impossible for himself to get over. We are not able to keep ourselves finally from the death that would come to us in a moment.
But remember, with His knowledge God sees into humans caught by troubles, and with His power He is just ready to help us.
And remember Jesus Christ was the best practice of God's love for humans troubled in this world; He was the best way to help us with God's all-mightiness and absolute knowledge.(John10:7-11); His work was suited to the purpose of His kingdom of heaven.

"The kingdom of God does not consist in words, but in power He employs." (1Corinthian4:20)
The Kingdom and the almighty power and the authority did God the Father give to Jesus Christ, who therefore himself is the absolute power of His kingdom; and He gave it to those who believe in Him. Therefore we are given His power and knowledge, which works in our faith.( John 14:12-14, Mark 16:17-20)
The world, you see, is filled with lawless devil which puts the world under its power.
And with its lawlessness, it causes among people the lawless deeds, and the lawless disease from that sinful deeds. It brings the curse and the death upon humans under its wicked power.( John 10:10, 1John 3:8-12)
The devil puts the mind of man in its lawless control, makes him depart from the faith, brings upon his body and soul vicious disease, destroying man's happiness in an instant matter.
The devil is so cruel that it shatters and destroys man without mercy no matter who he is, young or old, male or female, humble or noble; it is just the wicked and cursed one, very eternally, trying to make humans fallen down under the same curse that it is condemned to.
Unfortunately however in this world with nothing that has been achieved by humans in the human history man can catch the fact that the devil is working around him, far from having ability to confront it to get himself out of its wicked work of making him sin and of cursing him.
Even if you might know it, just with what you have got, such humble ones, you are not able to get over it, but just exposed to its power to kill man.(John 3:16)
Some people knows Jesus Christ as one of the Saints but not as God; they don't understand what Jesus Christ did.
But believe, because He is all-mighty, He is always on the spot everywhere to help man with whatever man is troubled by.
The only condition for His help to be effective on us is that we believe in Him, His all-mightiness which is for our sake in troubles.
Nobody doubts, let's think about a case, that you can buy something worth of ten thousand won when you have as much money as that. Likewise, we mustn't doubt that Jesus is can do things whatever you want.

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Faith is not deeds from simple eagerness but is having in our real life the work of Jesus as much as we believe in and trust Him. What is the most critical weakness of human, Jesus told, is lack of true faith. ( Mark 4:35-41)
Also in today's words(Matthew 17:14-20), Jesus was too sorry for and reproved His disciples for the lack of faith, saying, "Unbelieving and perverse generation." Jesus WILL work for you in an instant you have faith; He will put everything from the wicked devil: sins, curse, disease and the demons, away from your life.
Jesus is the truth, love, absolute and all mighty God Himself, so those who knows Him is free from any sinful work of the devil.
Have faith that makes Jesus' power work for you in your troubles: Have Him save you and your family from the sinful world. Let's look at Noah who managed just in faith to build the ship; let's look at Abraham who was blessed, through the obedience from faith, with God's great blessings. Let's learn the faith of the woman in Matthew Chapter 9 who was healed of bleeding which had been afflicting her for twelve years.
From the deep and long curse of death which has been put on man since the first man Adam, and from every kind of troubles as huge as a mountain, we are freed promptly we have faith in Jesus Christ, the son of God the Father who is so intended to help you.
Let Him work for us. He is with you now here just ready to help you with things impossible to solve by yourself.

위 글은 교회신문 <66호> 기사입니다.

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